About Me
I haven’t decided how much I want to disclose about myself, so I’ll mainly discuss my interests.
- Yes, I’m a huge fan of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (MLP: FiM) series, aka, a brony. See whatisabrony.com for more background info. Fans have varying experiences and reasons for liking the show, but I watched the show in 2021 during the pandemic and had my socks knocked off by the fascinating fantasy world, good vibes, and incredible glut of fan content. I haven’t looked back since. Interestingly, this makes me quite a late-blooming brony, since I only got involved in the scene long after the 2011-2013 heyday and even after the show ended in 2019, but before G5 came out and the fandom experienced a resurgence. I’ve read an absurd amount of My Little Pony fanfiction.
- I also like to write, both My Little Pony fanfiction (which can be found on my user page on Fimfiction.net) and just general thoughts about the world, much of which you can find on this blog!
- I’m not a wizard but I know my way around programming/software engineering topics.
- I like music, both listening to and producing it. I can sing. In the past I’ve played learned to play piano and harmonica.
Online presence
Where else can you find me on the Internet?
- Fimfiction. Contains all the MLP fanfics that I’ve published so far
- Mastodon (@[email protected]). Contains a constant stream of posts curated by yours truly, as well as my latest showerthoughts and updates about this blog.
- YouTube (youtube.com/@steadygaze). Not sure what I’ll put on it, but for now, there isn’t much content there.
How do I reach out to you?
Just @mention me on Mastodon (@[email protected]) by direct message or even publicly.
If you code, what text editor do you use?
Vim. But I’ve been wanting to dust off my ancient Emacs config.
Can I listen to your music?
I intend to publish my music on major streaming platforms when I’ve accumulated enough tracks for an album, finished doing final tweaks on tracks I’ve finished, and chosen a digital music distributor. That might happen in a few months, or just when I get around to it.
Do you have a ponysona/pony OC?
Yes, thanks to the excellent pony.town character creator, I have two: a unicorn version and a Kirin version. Behold.